Conversations and Contemplations

Sanju's journey into the world of computers and digital art was a road paved with challenges and self-discovery. Every day at the training institute presented a new hurdle, from understanding the basics of operating a computer to grappling with the nuances of English that was heavily used in the software and training materials. Her struggle wasn't just about learning a new skill; it was about fitting into a world that seemed so alien to her village life.

She often felt out of place among her peers, who conversed fluently in English and navigated the digital world with ease. Sanju's hesitant, broken English made her self-conscious, and the initial days were marred by feelings of inadequacy and frustration. Yet, her resolve didn't waver. With each passing day, she learned, adapted, and grew, driven by her passion for art and the encouragement from her mentors and Vijay.

One quiet evening, as they sat on the small veranda of their temporary home at the orphanage, Ashok Rao looked at Sanju with a mix of affection and concern. "Sanju, you've grown into such a wonderful young woman, and I couldn't be prouder. But I can't help worrying about your future, especially with my surgery coming up. I think it's time for us to seriously consider your marriage."

Sanju, who had been lost in her thoughts about her computer training, looked up, surprised. "Marriage, Tatha? But why now? I've never really thought about it."Ashok Rao took a deep breath, choosing his words carefully. "I know you haven't, magu (child). But life is unpredictable, and I want to see you settled and happy. Marriage would give you a partner, a companion... someone to share your life with."Sanju fidgeted with the hem of her half saree, unsure. "But Tatha, what if I don't find someone who understands me? My world is so different..."

"Sanju," Ashok Rao interjected gently, "trust me. We will find someone who appreciates you for who you are, someone who values your kindness, your talent, and your heart."Sanju's mind wandered. She thought about what she would want in a life partner – someone kind and empathetic, who would respect her and her passion for art, music and dance, someone who would also be open to taking her grandfather in with her as she did not want her tatha to live alone after she got married. She envisioned a companion who would stand by her, sharing her dreams and aspirations, just as her grandfather had. Her internal debate continued, the pros and cons, the fears and hopes all swirling in her mind. Finally, her thoughts settled on the unwavering support and love her grandfather had always provided her. He had been her rock, her guiding light, and he had never asked for anything in return.

"Tatha, you've always been there for me, guiding me, supporting me." Sanju's voice trailed off, her eyes brimming with emotion. Ashok Rao reached out, taking her hands in his. "Sanju, all I've ever wanted is your happiness. I believe marriage can bring you that happiness, a new journey, a new beginning." Sanju looked into her grandfather's hopeful eyes and felt a wave of affection and trust. He had always made the right choices for her. "Okay, Tatha," she finally said, her voice soft but resolute. "I trust you. If you think it's time for me to get married, then... then I'm ready."As the night enveloped them, Sanju felt a sense of peace. She had made her decision, not out of obligation, but out of trust and love for the man who had been her everything. With this new resolve, she was ready to step into a future that her grandfather envisioned for her, a future filled with the promise of companionship and shared dreams.

The next morning, Ashok Rao and Sanju walked to the park. There was a new purpose in Ashok Rao's steps, a decision made that needed to be shared. They found Narasimha in his usual spot, enjoying the morning serenity. "Narasimha ji," Ashok Rao began with a hint of excitement, "Sanju has agreed to consider marriage. We're ready to start looking for a suitable match for her."

Narasimha's face lit up with a smile, reflecting his happiness at the news. Turning to Sanju, he said, "That's wonderful, Sanju. Tell me, what are you looking for in a life partner?" Sanju, a little shy but sincere, replied, "Someone kind and understanding, who respects me and my passion for art, music and dance. And it's important for me that my Tatha stays with us. He's all the family I have."

Narasimha nodded, his admiration for Sanju deepening. "You're very considerate, Sanju. There's a potential match I have in mind, but I must mention, he is quite older. Does that matter to you?"Sanju took a moment to reflect before responding. "My experience with the world is limited, and I haven't had many examples of marital relationships around me. So, if Tatha believes he's a suitable match, then I'm not concerned about the age gap. I trust Tatha's judgment completely."Seeing the trust and respect Sanju had for her grandfather, Narasimha felt a surge of confidence that this was the right direction. "Well, Sanju, I will discuss this with your Tatha first. If he agrees, we can proceed further."

As they departed from the park, an atmosphere of optimistic expectation enveloped them. Sanju's unwavering trust in her grandfather's wisdom gave Ashok Rao a sense of solace, knowing she was receptive to the unfolding new chapter in her life. Narasimha, meanwhile, felt a sense of purpose, as he initiated the process that could unite two families. Now, the substantial challenge lay ahead: convincing Bhargav to embrace this proposed union.

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